Family eXperience
Family eXperience
FX is a free, interactive, fun experience designed to be shared by parents and children to help them do family better.
All social distancing guidelines will be followed.
Got a question? We've got the answer!
Let us know you're coming by filling out this form.
Only one form is needed per family!
Yes, at least one parent or guardian must attend with the kids in their family. FX is a shared experience for families that reflects the idea that what happens at home is more important—more consistent, more lasting, more influential in the life of a child—than what happens at church.
We're asking everyone to adhere to social distancing guildelines of leaving 6 feet between your family and others not from your household. Masks must be worn by anyone entering the building.
This event will be held outside. We'll have plenty of ice cold water and we'll be serving ice cream (adhering to all safety protocols) at the end to cool you off!
The buildings will be open for bathroom use only and will be restricted to one family or person at a time. Masks must be worn by anyone entering the building for any reason.
More questions?
Email us at or call us at 734-710-9370